kami ang SKWANGERDZ BOYZ usa ka gropu sa mga motorista diri sa dakbayan sa pardo, nga mahilig ug laag, broom2x ug labaw na gyud ang ma SKWANGERDZ...
we are SKWANGERDZ BOYZ and we believe in the need for speed and the need for SKWANGERDZ!!! bwahahaha....
"for wherever the ride is we will surely be there"

beach party annoucement

Monday, April 13, 2009

shout at to ya'll skwangerdzboyz!!! we will be having a beach party this coming sunday April 19,2009...  the time is tentative and the place is not yet set... please come to the meeting this thursday around 8 to 9 pm... 

ready to bust ass this summer!!!

see ya'll

"for wherever the ride is we will surely be there"